WVSCA is the only professional organization that solely represents and advocates for the interests of professional school counselors in West Virginia. Your membership brings you many benefits among which are professional development activities at a reduced cost, a professional newsletter and trained leadership to answer your questions and listen to your concerns. Perhaps the most important advantage in this time of educational change is the combination of strong advocacy and the growing relationship with WVDE. WVSCA strives to represent West Virginia's school counselors and to promote professionalism and ethical practice.


The mission of the West Virginia School Counselor Association is to empower, unite and support professional school counselors in their role to promote student success.


  1. WVSCA will facilitate professional development opportunities in areas of relevant issues to all school counselors both with district and the state.
  2. WVSCA will provide relevant and current information to enhance school counselor's knowledge, skill and professionalism.
  3. WVSCA will proactively obtain, evaluate, communicate and impact legislative policy that pertains to school counselors and child advocacy.
  4. WVSCA will promote professionalism and ethical standards in school counseling.
  5. WVSCA will develop strategic partnerships to cultivate and enhance the school counseling profession.
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